11+ SEO Experts on Using AI Tools to Boost Website Traffic


AI solutions have become increasingly important in boosting website traffic and increasing online exposure in the world of technology.

So, we have asked top SEO experts how they are using these AI-powered tools to boost their website traffic.

Let’s dive in.

1. Aaron Lee

Aaron Lee

To achieve the best results, it’s important to use AI tools in conjunction with human expertise. It’s crucial to continuously analyze and adjust your website based on user feedback and performance for long-term success.

I’ve discovered several ways to increase website traffic using AI tools. Firstly, AI-powered keyword research tools can identify relevant keywords with high search volumes and low competition by analyzing vast amounts of data, providing valuable insights.

With that knowledge, I use AI tools to help with content creation by generating blog post ideas, suggesting headlines, and even creating entire articles based on a given topic. Though not 100% perfect, some of these tools use natural language processing algorithms to mimic human writing or most important mimic my own writing, saving time and effort and allowing me to focus on the next task.

Lastly, AI tools can analyze your website and suggest on-page optimization recommendations, identify issues with meta tags, and keyword density, recommend internal linking, and more. Some even offer real-time optimization suggestions as you write or edit content. You can also use its tools to pinpoint problems in your SEO. It’s like a personal assistant.

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2. Lukasz Zelezny

Lukasz Zelezny

There are several ways you can use AI tools to boost website traffic with SEO by building a “Knowledge Base” on your website. The idea is to create a collection of informative and helpful content, usually in a Q&A format, around topics that have substantial search volume and ideally low keyword difficulty.

Creating a Knowledge Base can not only help users find answers to their questions but can also improve your website’s SEO. Each question can be a separate page that can rank in search engine results, bringing more traffic to your site.

For a WordPress-based website, you can use plugins like Echo Knowledge Base or Heroic Knowledge Base to facilitate this process.

Echo Knowledge Base Plugin

Here’s a step-by-step guide to implementing this strategy:

Identify Key Topics: Use an AI-based SEO tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs to identify keywords related to your product, service, or industry that have substantial search volume and low keyword difficulty. These tools use AI algorithms to provide precise keyword suggestions and SEO ideas.

Create Q&A Content: Once you’ve identified key topics, create Q&A content around those topics. Each Q&A should be in-depth, accurate, and helpful. The goal is to answer the user’s query comprehensively so that they don’t need to go elsewhere for more information.

Create Separate Pages: Instead of lumping all Q&As into one page, create a separate page for each Q&A. This allows search engines to index each page separately, increasing the chances of your website appearing in search results for different queries.

Use Knowledge Base Plugin: Use a WordPress plugin like Echo Knowledge Base or Heroic Knowledge Base to organize your Q&A content. These plugins provide features like search functionality, categorization, and tagging, which can improve the user experience and make your Knowledge Base more navigable.

Optimize for SEO: Optimize each page using SEO best practices. This includes incorporating the keyword in the title, URL, and meta description, and sprinkling it naturally throughout the content. You can also use an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO to help with this.

Promote Your Knowledge Base: Share your Knowledge Base pages on social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels. You can also link to them from your blog posts and other pages on your website.

Monitor and Update: Use Google Analytics or another analytics tool to monitor how your Knowledge Base pages are performing in terms of traffic, bounce rate, and conversions. Update the content regularly to keep it fresh and relevant.

AI tools can play a critical role in boosting website traffic with SEO. They can help identify the right topics to cover in your Knowledge Base and optimize each page to rank higher in search results. With a well-implemented Knowledge Base strategy, you can increase the visibility of your website, improve the user experience, and ultimately drive more traffic to your site.

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3. Erik Emanuelli

Erik Emanuelli

You can get help with keyword research and link-building opportunities. AI tools can help you analyze your competitor’s website to identify what terms are used and how they perform.

This data can be used to create more in-depth content and outrank the competition. Additionally, you can find title ideas to complete the topic cluster of a specific subject. AI tools can also be used to monitor link-building activities such as identifying backlinks placed on other websites.

This information is interesting to make decisions about further backlink activities, such as requesting links on high-authority sites or creating content that other webmasters will naturally link to.

Or else, to increase your chances of ranking, discover untapped opportunities that your competition has not yet taken advantage of.

Find Erik Emanuelli on Twitter

4. Sean Si

Sean Si

(1) Semrush – for domain overview and keyword research mostly (as their tool reports search volume, related keywords, search appearance, etc), but they also provide data that’s good for competitive analysis.

Semrush overview SeanSi

(2) Ahrefs – for domain overview as well and also to check backlinks and a website’s backlink profile. they do have organic keyword research tools as well but we prefer to use Semrush for that.

Ahref overview SeanSi

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5. Stoney deGeyter

Stoney deGeyter

At this point, I mostly use the tools to outline content and write meta data. I don’t trust it for much more than tha.

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6. Freddie Chatt

Freddie Chatt

The main way I’m using AI tools right now to improve my website ranking and traffic is to speed up the process of creating detailed content briefs to give to my writers.

The tool I use for this is Keyword Insights (https://www.keywordinsights.ai/features/content-briefs/) which pulls in information directly from existing ranking pages, and other SERP features to ensure you can create the best piece of content on the topic easily.

This has saved me hours of work time each week.

Find Freddie Chatt on Twitter

7. Marcus Miller

Marcus Miller

There are multiple layers to the answer here. The obvious answers are something like:

  1. Use AI Tools to improve the content on your site
  2. Use AI Tools to create more content for your site

This is SEO for many, equal parts magic and grift. Unfortunately, human nature leads us to take the path of least resistance. The easy route with AI Tools, primarily content generators is to use them to scale your content production.

If you really want to be lazy you can use AI to generate your blog titles and then write the blog posts for you. There are now tools on the market that will automate the whole process.

You simply connect them to your CMS and give them a general direction and they will generate topics and articles for you. They will even automatically post them to your website. The web is already awash with millions of low-quality articles that are simply variants on a theme and bring nothing new to the table.

AI Content is just tapping into the path of least resistance + more, more, more mentality that has always dogged lower-tier SEO efforts (links, content, citations, etc). Don’t do that. The real way to use AI Tools to improve your website is to use them in a supportive capacity. Don’t think of these artificial intelligence tools as something that will do a job for you.

Instead, try to think of them as tools that will help you do something better. Instead of AI, think IA. Artificial Intelligence is actually an Intelligence Assistant.

The way to use AI Tools to improve your rankings and traffic is to use these tools, in a creative way, as Intelligent Assistants, to help you create content that is better than what is already there. Don’t just copy what is already out there.

Use these tools to create something new. Something fresh. Something unique. Something different. Look at what Google is looking for with E-E-A-T. Experience, Expertise, Authority & Trust. Look at your AI Tools (IA Tools) to help you create something that demonstrates your knowledge, experience, expertise & authority so Google trusts those results. Resist the pull towards the path of least resistance.

Use AI Tools to help you create something better. That is how you use AI Tools to increase rankings and traffic. Use them to create something that is better than what is out there currently.

I talk about this philosophy in a lot more detail here: https://www.bowlerhat.co.uk/the-true-seo-opportunity-in-the-age-of-ai-content/

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8. Jeff Ferguson

Jeff Ferguson

We’re using ChatGPT and Bard quite a bit these days for content research, keyword organization, and more; however, my favorite so far was pretty much an accident.

Early on, we were testing ChatGPT’s ability to write headlines for Google Ads based on specific client landing pages when we noticed that some headlines were better than others. When we looked deeper, we discovered it was a classic case of the Computer Science trope of “Garbage In, Garbage Out,” that is, the instances where we got back crappy headlines were because we gave it a crappy landing page to work with in the first place!

After thinking about it a bit, I realized that if one robot (ChatGPT) was struggling with the content of that landing page, other robots (Google’s algorithms) probably were as well. We stumbled onto a content quality checker!

Now, for our SEO clients, as part of our content audit, we’ll run “suspect” content through ChatGPT to see if the robots like it. If they don’t, then there’s a good chance the client needs to step up their content game.

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